In Afghan fields the poppies grow
Beside the landmines, even though
Their place is marked by "eye in sky"
But bombs, still falling, pass them by
Scarce here before the soldiers came.
Afghans are dead, but years ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow
Planted oranges and crops to eat
Had animals we raised for meat.
Tell the truth about our foe
That everyone who cares should know
The heroin they allow to thrive
Is almost all that's left alive
We shall not sleep, while poppies grow
In Afghan fields.
~ adaptation by Jackie Jura
In Flanders Fields
by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918), Canadian Army
PHARMA-GOV'T EVIL DRUG SAFE-SUPPLY (gov't giving away hydromorphone dillies like candy), Remembrance Day, November 11, 2024
HARD-DRUG HARM-SITES DANTE INFERNO (social justice do-gooders doin more harm than good), November 8, 2022
COPS ARREST WEED NOT HARD-DRUG PUSHERS (gov't doling meth-heroin-cocaine with cops present)
Missing, Presumed Dead: The Search for America's POWs, video by Bill Dumas, brother of Korean War POW (...Things started to go wrong for the POW Committee. They were getting hard evidence that thousands of our POWS were being held back by the Chinese who ran the POW camps in North Korea. China was also holding a few thousand in China. First Sen McCarthy supposedly died of a heart attack in [Bethesda] hospital in 1957... His body was shipped to Milwaukee Wisconsin without an autopsy... Then it was Pres Kennedy's turn on November 22nd 1963... At his first news conference in 1961, he was asked by US News and World Report: "Mr President, what are you going to do about the prisoners still being held in China, and North Korea?". The Pres said, "We are negotiating now with China for the release of our prisoners from the Korean War"... Eisenhower and Nixon could not afford to have even one POW come home in 1963, let alone hundreds, and possibly thousands....Then in 1968, it was Bobby Kennedy's turn to be assassinated...)
WAR BY DRUGS REMEMBRANCE DAY VICTIMS (casualties of choice or hapless victims of some war), November 11, 2019
900-tonnes Afghan heroin hitting world streets, London Telegraph, November 11, 2018
Corrupt UN-World Bank steal billions Afghan aid, GlobeMail, November 11, 2018
Afghan worst drought in history starving millions & watch UN crooks ask $-millions for Afghan drought, Telegraph/YouTube, November 11, 2018. Go to Big Brother United Nations a sect doing evil
Corrupt UN & World Bank waste billions in aid to Afghanistan, GlobeMail, Nov 8, 2018
The USA Special Inspector-General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said in a report to Congress that aid money has gone to build medical clinics without electricity or water, schools without children and buildings that literally melted away in the rain. Also, corrupt local officials who were in charge of paying workers with some of the funds created what the audits called "ghost workers", civilian bureaucrats, police and soldiers who did not exist, then kept or diverted money recorded as being paid to them... Nearly 2,400 U.S. soldiers have been killed fighting the Taliban, and 158 Canadians died before Canada pulled its combat troops out of Afghanistan in July, 2011. The Afghan government is still fighting intense battles across most of the country and millions of Afghans have been displaced. As the country became increasingly dangerous, Western countries pooled their aid dollars into trust funds managed by the World Bank, the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The recent reports by Mr Sopko's office found a troubling lack of financial oversight and far-reaching mismanagement of two Western trust funds -- the World Bank's Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund and the UN-administered Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan, used to train and equip Afghan security forces.
According to the Library of Parliament, Canada has donated more than $3-billion in foreign aid to Afghanistan since 2002, including US-$851-million, to the two funds. The United States is the largest donor to the two funds. Canadian contributions include US-$764-million to Afghanistan reconstruction from 2002-2018, and US-$87-million to train Afghan police. Another US-$213-million went to a NATO fund to train the Afghan army. He said local officials questioned the usefulness of some of the programs that were funded...
'Unprecedented' surge in cheap, high-purity heroin expected from Afghanistan, Telegraph, May 2, 2018
Afghanistan's farmers grew more than 1,250 square miles of opium poppy last year, paving the way for potentially unseen levels of heroin production. The bumper crop has the potential to make up to 900 tonnes of high purity, export quality heroin the UN's Office on Drugs and Crime said. Afghan opium already provides more than 90 per cent of the world's heroin and 95 per cent of that found on Britain's streets... Opium now dwarfs all other sectors of the Afghan economy, despite a 17-year-long international aid campaign to try to rebuild the country after the Taliban regime was toppled in 2001. The crop was worth up to 5-billion pounds, or nearly a third of the country's entire GDP, while legal exports are worth only around seven per cent. Many billions more are made further down the drugs pipeline, as it is smuggled across the Middle East into Europe. Impoverished farmers are now increasingly reliant on the crop, and it is now the backbone of Afghan agriculture, making efforts to curb the trade harder...
(turning cities into drug-dominated war zones)
Afghanistan 224000 hectares opium/6400 tons heroin
(USA/EU soldiers could easily erradicate poppy fields)
Heroin epidemic deaths/new users all across America
Chinese fentanyl poisoning America's heroin addicts
(synthetic opium made from chemicals not poppies)
Nov 11-20, 2016
Naloxone opioid antidote is no cure in heroin epidemic
(produces sense of normalcy/security around heroin use)
Opioid overdoses not limited to street users
Canada cuts-off opioid funding to dying patients
(to prevent illegal drug users obtaining opioids)
Canada plans free heroin/opioids at drug injection sites
Afghan War enables global heroin trade/epidemic
(USA military surveillance can track farms/opium routes)
watch Afghan children/civilian war deaths surge
GM/AlJazeer/MintPress Jul 26, 2016
watch Afghan children/civilian war dead surges, AlJazeera, Jul 25, 2016 (...hit a record high in the first half of 2016, the UN has said, with a particular surge in the number of children killed or wounded. The report, released by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) on Monday, said there were 5,166 documented civilian casualties in the first half of 2016, an increase of four percent in total civilian casualties as compared to the first six months of 2015...)
watch US War In Afghanistan Fueling Global Heroin Epidemic & Enabling Drug Trade, MintPressNews, Jul 20, 2016, YouTube (...It's hard to believe that a region under full USA military occupation -- with guard posts and surveillance drones monitoring the mountains of Tora Bora -- aren't able to track supply routes of opium exported by the country's various poppy farms...)
Afghan heroin flooding Europe/USA/CAN/UK/OZ/NZ
(despite tax-funded US$20-billion to counter-narcotics)
Heroin use on rise -- Poppy crops thrive
NBC/DailyCaller, Nov 11, 2015
& Ministry of Peace (War) & BB Brotherhood
Afghan heroin flooding Europe, says Monty Python-quoting Federal Watchdog, Daily Caller, Sep 22, 2015
USA agencies have repeatedly failed to stop Afghanistan from flooding Europe with heroin over the last 14 years, and that should worry Europeans as migrants inundate the continent, a federal watchdog told a British think tank on Tuesday. The USA has spent "over $8 billion on a counter-narcotics effort that has failed by every conceivable metric", John Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, said in a speech before the London-based Royal United Services Institute. "As Europe well knows, Afghan heroin floods the streets of European cities and Afghan refugees are estimated to make up one-third of those crossing the border, contributing to the ongoing humanitarian crisis", Sopko said in prepared remarks. "So there should be no question about Afghanistan's relevancy today. The bottom-line is that for all we have committed, lost, and achieved, Afghanistan's problems extend far beyond its borders and we ignore them at our peril". Sopko, likely the most outspoken USA inspector general, isn't afraid to "speak truth to power", as he says. He also isn't afraid to quote Monty Python in a formal speech. "Since 2002, Congress has appropriated nearly $110 billion for that reconstruction effort in Afghanistan", Sopko also said on Tuesday.... "I must remind you that just because the number of USA and UK troops in Afghanistan has gone down, does not mean our mission is ending there. Even now, 14 years on and with the USA military presence much diminished, nearly $12 billion more in reconstruction funds waiting the financial pipeline, appropriated but not yet spent".
As Heroin Use Grows in USA, Poppy Crops Thrive in Afghanistan, NBC News, Jul 7, 2015
In Afghanistan, opium production is growing like a weed -- and nothing, not even billions of dollars of USA money, has been able to quell it. According to the United Nations, the war-torn nation provides 90 percent of the world's supply of opium poppy, the bright, flowery crop that transforms into one of the most addictive drugs in existence. And as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sounds the alarm about a worsening heroin epidemic here in the USA, opium production in Afghanistan shows no signs of slowing down. "Afghanistan has roughly 500,000 acres, or about 780 square miles, devoted to growing opium poppy. That's equivalent to more than 400,000 USA football fields -- including the end zones", John Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, said in a speech in May. The USA has spent $8.4 billion in counternarcotics programs in Afghanistan. But opium output keeps rising: Fifteen years ago, Afghanistan accounted for just 70 percent of global illicit opium production.
The problem, experts say, stems from the country's rampant corruption and the impoverished farmers who feel they have no choice but to contribute to the drug supply chain. "It's much easier if you're a farmer to grow opium than to grow saffron or to grow grapes or something like that," said Jonah Blank, a senior political scientist and Afghanistan expert at the RAND Corporation in Washington, D.C. "Opium is a much more profitable crop. It requires a lot less infrastructure. You can grow opium practically anywhere, and it doesn't need to be refrigerated, it doesn't need complex transportation networks."... "It brings money and imported material and consumer goods into Afghanistan," he said. "Afghanistan is poverty-stricken and farmers have difficulty getting proper returns for their normal products. They're almost forced to do that to survive", he said.... Neither of the USA antinarcotics approaches have yielded success. From 2001 to 2009, the USA tried an eradication strategy, giving the Afghan government resources to wipe out poppy crops. This only eliminated a tiny percentage of suppliers, and led to more local corruption: Meaning governing warlords got richer as individual farmers got poorer. "The whole system is criminalized. It runs through the police, the courts, through the whole government system," Shansab said. "When we talk about corruption in Afghanistan, which is rampant, now this is part of it.".
The current approach offers farmers the chance to substitute their opium crops with legal crops, thanks to billions of dollars in USA-funded agricultural development. But while that helped Laos and Thailand, two former heavyweights in the global opium production trade, get off the list of major suppliers in the 1990s, it appears to only be making Afghanistan's problem worse by not giving farmers all the tools they need to grow. "The bottom line -- record opium cultivation and production -- clearly shows we are not winning the war on drugs in Afghanistan," Sopko, the special inspector general, said. Opium hasn't always blossomed this freely in Afghanistan. Before being ousted by the USA, the Taliban banned opium in 2000, arguing that growing drugs was anti-Islamic. Opium dropped dramatically in the coming year, stunning the international community... After the Taliban was deposed, the ban was eliminated. But with so much to fix in Afghanistan, the USA was unable to keep crops from popping back up. "The biggest problem from a USA security perspective is not opium. It's what opium leads to," Blank said. "You can't fight counterinsurgency and counternarcotics at the same time. Essentially, you're pulling in two different directions. Which is more important? From a security standpoint, I think counterinsurgency is more important." The answer, he said, is to bolster Afghanistan's government. "Corruption and government efficiency are the first things that really need to be looked at. There's so much money to be made from narcotics that if corruption isn't coming from drugs, it will be coming from something else."
Afghanistan Set Record for Growing Opium in 2014, CNS News, Jan 6, 2015
After thirteen years of occupation by USA forces, Afghanistan set a record for growing opium poppies in 2014, according to data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Heroin is derived from the poppy. A UNODC report -- "Afghanistan Opium Survey 2014" -- provides a "detailed picture of the outcome of the current year's opium season and, together with data from previous years, enable the identification of medium -- and long-term trends in the evolution of the illicit drug problem". "The total area under opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan was estimated to be 224,000 hectares in 2014, a 7% increase from the previous year", says the report. Net opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan grew from 209,000 hectares in 2013 to 224,000 hectares in 2014. The UNODC has been tracking opium cultivation in Afghanistan since 1994, when net Afghan opium production was 71,000 hectares. The 2014 cultivation of 224,000 hectares was more then triple the 1994 level. According to the 2014 World Drug Report, also published by the UNODC, Afghanistan by far the world's largest producer of opium. "The opium production in Afghanistan accounts for 80 percent of the global opium production (5,500 tons)", said that report.... Most of the U.S. casualties in Afghan War have occurred in the Hilmand and Kandahar provinces, which are also the two leading opium-growing provinces. According to's database of USA casualties, from 2001 through 2014, 2,232 USA military personnel gave their lives serving in the Afghan War. Of those 2,232 casualties, 451 were in Hilmand province and 420 were in Kandahar. That represents 39 percent of the total casualties in the war. "There is evidence that Afghan heroin is increasingly reaching new markets, such as Oceania and Southeast Asia, that had been traditionally supplied from Southeast Asia", the report states.
Canada 12-years in Afghanistan/158 dead
Afghan heroin soars under UN troops
November 11, 2013
& 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
Veterans boo/refuse shake mayor's hand
The Gonzo life of Canada Mayor McCrack
November 11, 2013
DRUG WAR IS PEACE & 22.Doublethink
Afghan heroin production soars under United Nations troops, says UN, Daily Mail, Apr 15, 2013
Opium cultivation is at a higher level than under Taliban rule, figures show. Production of the heroin raw material is expected to rise for the third year. Afghanistan produces about 90 per cent of the world's illicit opium. The production of opium in Helmand has tripled since British troops arrived in the Afghan province in 2006, according a devastating report published today by the United Nations. According to the report more than 75,000 hectares of Helmand were given over to opium cultivation last year, up from just 25,500 hectares in 2005. The embarrassing figures show that opium cultivation is at a higher level than during Taliban rule, and production is expected to increase for the third year in a row. High prices for opium, from which heroin is made, is encouraging farmers to grow poppies, according to the UN's Afghanistan Opium Risk Assessment 2013 report. Afghanistan supplies about 90 per cent of the world's illicit opium and the proceeds are believed to help fuel the war against the USA-led forces who ousted the Taliban in 2001. 'The prices are still quite high. That is a very clear economic incentive,' Martin Raithelhuber of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) told Reuters. 'We can't deny the fact that the level of cultivation now is much higher than it has ever been under the Taliban'.
The total area used to grow poppies last year was 154,000 hectares, said Mr Raithelhuber. While the area is expanding, it was unclear if it would reach the record of 193,000 hectares set in 2007....Twelve provinces were forecast to show a rise in opium cultivation this year, according to the report.... The UNODC in 2011 estimated the opium trade may have earned the Taliban [Russia/China/USA/UK/Israel brotherhood] $700million (£460million), up from $200million (£130million) a year in the previous decade, with traffickers earning billions more. Since 2001, 441 British soldiers have died in Afghanistan.
Inside Afghan Heroin, National Geographic documentary
Heroin is one of the most addictive drugs on earth. Stronger, purer and easier to get than ever before, heroin is attracting a whole new breed of addict. Dangerously pure, the newest forms of heroin can be snorted or smoked, rather than injected, attracting millions of new mainstream users. Afghan Heroine investigates how the war in Afghanistan has inadvertently unleashed a deluge of heroin, enticing users from Kabul to Europe to America's heartland. Heroin. Smack. Horse. H. It's one of the most addictive drugs on Earth. Stronger, purer, and easier to get than ever before, heroin is attracting a whole new breed of addict. From the farm to the arm.
Russian troops to continue Afghan drug raids, BBC, Nov 3, 2010
Russia will take part in more drug raids in Afghanistan despite strong protests from the Afghan government, the Nato secretary-general has said. Anders Fogh Rasmussen told the BBC such raids were allowed under a United Nations mandate. Last week American and Russian drug control agents destroyed heroin laboratories in Afghanistan. President Hamid Karzai said Russia's involvement was a violation of his country's sovereignty. Speaking during a visit to Moscow on Wednesday, Mr Rasmussen told the BBC: "These activities will continue.
"Actually, we [NATO] do have a far reaching co-operation with Russia when it comes to counter-narcotics and these operations take place within the mandate provided by the United Nations." Last week's raid was the first such joint operation in Afghanistan involving the Russians. Russian involvement there has been increasing recently. It was confirmed on Wednesday that Russia had sent the first of 16 planeloads of weapons to Kabul, which are being donated to the Afghan police force. But Mr Rasmussen specifically ruled out any possibility of Russian troops getting involved in the war. He said this was something that was wanted neither by Russia nor Afghanistan, where memories of the Soviet occupation in the 1980s are still raw. Mr Rasmussen was in Moscow to make the final preparations for a Nato-Russia summit to be held in Portugal later this month. He held talks with Russian officials. Both he [NATO] and the Russian government say the summit will draw a line under the lingering suspicions which have hampered relations between the two former Cold War enemies.
Poppy posters get anti-war slogan, BBC, Oct 29, 2009
Poppy Appeal posters in Kent have been defaced by protesters attacking former prime minister Tony Blair's war record. The Royal British Legion annual appeal adverts emphasise their support for personnel who served in Afghanistan. The poster shows war widow Hester Wright, 22, and her son Josh, 6, holding a portrait of her late husband. The slogan "For their sake, wear a poppy" has been replaced with "For their sake, prosecute Blair" on a billboard in Gillingham. Objectors to Mr Blair's war record altered the sign outside Gillingham railway station. Other posters in the Medway area have been changed to make the original message read: "For their sake, bring them home". A spokesman for the Royal British Legion said they intended to amend the defaced images. He said: "We do understand that the current campaign in Afghanistan and the recent activities in Iraq are not popular universally in the country. "Opinion is divided but we do find that the public is four-square behind our British Armed Forces who are out there representing their country and making sacrifices." Ms Wright, from Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, became one of the public faces of the Poppy Appeal after her husband, Damian Wright, died in a roadside explosion in Afghanistan in 2007, aged 23. The appeal aims to raise £31 million.
Disgusted in Victoria ('Human misery' in downtown streets scaring tourists away). National Post, Sep 1, 2007
Doctors want cars carrying kids to be smoke-free. CanWest, Aug 23, 2007
England growing heroin poppies (says it's opium for morphine) & A world awash in heroin (92% - 6,100 tons - from Afghanistan facilitated by all foreign armies). EveStand/Economist Jul 18, 2007
Afghan heroin flooding USA (the purest in the world causing seizures & overdoses). PakTribune, Jan 1, 2007
Afghanistan's "Achilles heel" (drug trade permeates every aspect of life in this war-ravaged country). National Post, Jan 16, 2007
Afghan kids scavenge for explosives (left by retreating Soviet army) & Canada's new Afghan offensive ("Operation Bazooka" for Taliban). NationalPost, Dec 16, 2006
Afghan poppy harvest at record level (cheap heroin for UK streets) & Police want heroin injection sites (5,000 users in downtown Vancouver). Times/CBC, Aug 19, 2006
Heroin fields' grim reapers (opium growing has increased tenfold) & Brain pills for all urges UK gov't scientist. Sun/Times, Jun 7, 2006
Reader asks how to create a learning experience for a boy who chose the poem IN AFGHAN FIELDS as his own
Afghan gripped by worst fighting since 2001 (in main opium-growing region & western city of Herat). Independent, May 21, 2006. Go to 35.Brotherhood & 5.Pyramidal NWO
Prisons offer needles to inmates (to inject illegal heroin). National Post, Nov 11, 2005. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & 22.Doublethink (mental condition: controlled insanity)
Heroin trade thrives in Iraq (non-existent under Saddam's rule). Telegraph, Sep 4, 2005
Popular Afghan singer killed in Vancouver, CBC News, May 10, 2005
Police say popular Afghan singer Nasrat Parsa is dead following an attack over the weekend outside his hotel in East Vancouver....Three men approached Parsa after a concert on Saturday night. He said witnesses saw one man punch Parsa, who then fell backwards on some concrete stairs. The 36-year-old Parsa was taken to Vancouver General Hospital, where he died on Sunday night. A 19-year-old man was arrested and initially charged with aggravated assault. Police have recommended that the charge be upgraded to manslaughter. Parsa lived in Germany, and was popular among young Afghans around the world after recording 10 albums. He had performed a concert in Toronto last week before going to Vancouver.
Britain on top of heroin league (all of it comes from Afghanistan). Sunday Times, Feb 27, 2005
Desperate parents feeding children opium (to alleviate hunger & suffering). Macleans, Feb 20, 2005 & Fears for children in Afghan cold (28,000 people at risk). BBC, Feb 18, 2005
Epidemic among London drug users (gov't to give free needles for heroin "to reduce harm" from HIV/HepC). Guardian, Nov 12, 2004
Opium trade booms in "basket case" Afghanistan. Independent, Jul 28, 2004
The opium harvest in Afghanistan this year will be one of the biggest on record, the Foreign Office said yesterday, and it has triggered a flood of heroin on Britain's streets. The revelation will prove highly embarrassing for Tony Blair, who cited cutting the supply of heroin as one of the main reasons for the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001...the consequences of the rise were already evident: cheaper, better quality heroin was arriving in Britain, luring thousands more youngsters into addiction than ever before..."The rise in cultivation and production of opium poppies in Afghanistan has horrendous portents for us in the UK bearing in mind the PM's statement that 90 per cent of heroin sold on British streets comes from Afghanistan".
Nova Scotia police seize cocaine on CSL ship (owned by Prime Minister's sons, named after wife) & PM Martin's family vessel raided for drugs (83 kilograms of cocaine were found) & Drugs on Martin-family ship (Police say neither Prime Minister nor his sons are under suspicion) & Cocaine found hidden on CSL Vessel (no charges are expected to be laid against crew or shipping company). CTV-Halifax Daily News-National Post-Globe & Mail, Jul 1 & 2, 2004
Heroin poppy threatens Afghanistan (thriving under UN control). BBC, Mar 22, 2004
Afghanistan the world's biggest heroin dealer. Independent, Jun 22, 2003
Afghanistan is still the source of almost all of the heroin sold in London, even though Britain has poured millions [of taxpayers dollars] into [supposedly] trying to stamp out the war-wrecked country's resurgent drugs production business." "Opium poppies are springing up from the plains to the mountains of Afghanistan in far higher quantities than in the final year of the Taliban, which the USA and Britain overthrew, while vowing to end the region's narcotics trade. Opium - from which heroin is extracted - is produced on farms only a few dozen miles from the capital city of Kabul, headquarters to the international effort to end the heroin trade and rebuild the country."
Injection sites cost millions (planners want $54,000,000/year for 1,000 drop-ins/day). Vancouver Sun, May 5, 2003
Afghan top heroin source (piques our interest says DEA). Wash Times, Apr 8, 2003
Tobacco shortage for troops. AP, Apr 1, 2003
Afghanistan retakes heroin crown (1,685 acres now 30,750 acres; 185 tonnes now 4,000+ tonnes). BBC, Mar 4, 2003
Heroin a HEALTH problem, not criminal (gov't should CONTROL say pushers). Vancouver Sun, Jan 21, 2003
Heroin deaths rise dramatically (pure & cheaper than six-pack - snorted & smoked by middle-class). Boston Globe, Dec 19, 2002
Bitter Harvest: Drugs, Guns and Money on the Old Silk Road (follows the journey of Afghanistan's opium trade on its way to the main market in Europe). CBCTV, The Passionate Eye, Nov 18, 2002
Gov't forcing drugs on addicts (cuts funding to abstinence programs). Vancouver Prov, Nov 10, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles
Vancouver to apply for approval of safe-injection sites for addicts. Vancouver Sun, Nov 2, 2002
Addicts shoot up crack & heroin (openly sold in front of cops). National Post, Sep 19, 2002
Vancouver, Canada has the biggest, open drug bazaar in North America. Illicit drugs are openly sold and consumed. On one street corner alone police have identified 74 drug dealers peddling their wares. Addicts openly smoke crack cocaine and shoot up heroin. Ambulance crews get over 1,000 overdose calls a year. The national cost of illicit drug use, including property crime, enforcement, health care and lost productivity, is $5-billion annually... In the name of "harm-reduction" some groups, including the governor of New Mexico - want to legalize ALL drugs ... Liberalized drug laws in other countries have led to an increase in drug use and overdose deaths... Australian Parents for Drug Free Youth state: "Harm reduction policy has no place in either prevention or treatment. It is permissive because it tolerates drug use..."
Flood of cheap Afghan heroin on way. London Times, Sep 25, 2001
12.Ministry of Peace (War) and 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) and 35.The Brotherhood and 23.The Proles and 22.Doublethink
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~