This man had to be stopped.
He was the most dangerous criminal in the history of the world.
Here was a man who was able
to go from one location to another with the swiftness of Superman,
to change his physical characteristics at will and
who pumped four automatic slugs into a police officer with a revolver --
indeed a master criminal!"
~ Roger Craig
The following passage is an excerpt from the unpublished book WHEN THEY KILL A PRESIDENT written by Roger Craig, a Dallas Deputy Sherriff who was on duty in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, 1963. Craig summarizes what the Warren Commission expects people to believe regarding Lee Harvey Oswald's whereabouts between the time he allegedly shot President Kennedy and allegedly shot policeman Tippit. Oswald would have had to be the fastest man on earth, quipped Craig:
"Dallas police Officer Baker talked to Oswald at 12:35 p.m.
in the lunch room of the Texas School Book Depository.
This would give Oswald 30 minutes or less to
finish his coke, leave the building, walk four blocks east on Elm Street,
catch a bus and ride it back west in heavy traffic for two blocks,
get off the bus and walk two more blocks west and
turn south on Lamar Street, walk four blocks and
have a conversation with a cab driver and a woman
over the use of Whaley's (the cab driver's) cab,
get into the cab and ride to 500 North Beckley Street,
get out and walk to 1026 North Beckley where his (Oswald's) room was located,
pick up something [allegedly a jacket or handgun];
and if that is not enough,
the housekeeper where Oswald lived, testified that
at 1:05 p.m. Oswald was waiting for a bus in front of his rooming house
and FINALLY, to make him the fastest man on Earth,
he walked to East 10th Street & Patton Street, several blocks away
and killed J. D. Tippit between 1:05 and 1:08 p.m.
If he had not been arrested when he was, it is my belief that
Earl Warren and his Commission would have had
Lee Harvey Oswald eating dinner in Havana!"
Here's another quip by Roger Craig from WHEN THEY KILL A PRESIDENT:
"This man had to be stopped. He was the most dangerous criminal in the history of the world. Here was a man who was able to go from one location to another with the swiftness of Superman, to change his physical characteristics at will and who pumped four automatic slugs into a police officer with a revolver -- indeed a master criminal!"
In other words, Oswald -- like Superman -- was "faster than a speeding bullet" -- or, should we say, faster than a "magic" bullet -- to travel that route, that way, in that time frame. Here's the Warren Commission's MAGIC BULLET THEORY. You be the judge of if it's humanly, or physically (as in laws of physics) possible in either scenario:
The magic bullet was fired
from the front east-end window of the 6th floor
of the Texas School Book Depository building,
entered JFK's back;
exited from JFK's throat;
entered Connally's back;
exited Connally's chest near the right nipple;
went through Connally's right wrist shattering the radius bone;
entered Connally's left leg
embedding itself in Connally's thigh bone,
then dropped out later,
in pristine condition,
on a stretcher in Parkland Hospital.
For Christmas seven years ago (2005) I received a present of some old 1962, 1963 and 1964 issues of LIFE magazine, including the October 2nd, 1964 WARREN COMMISSION REPORT edition.
In that edition, on page 48, was an aerial view showing Oswald's route (according to the Warren Commission Report) from the time he left the TSBD to the time he was captured at the Texas Theater.
The solid and dotted red lines on this aerial photograph show what is known about Oswald's movements before arrest. Leaving the scene of assassination, he caught a bus but left it when traffic bogged down. Then he took a taxi across the Trinity River, got out beyond his rooming house, doubled back, put on a jacket and apparently picked up a .38 revolver. The specific route of Oswald's next move is unkown but is suggested by dotted line. Exactly 45 minutes after the assassination, witnesses did see Officer J.D. Tippit pull alongside Oswald and get shot four times. Oswald started, as one witness described it, "in a little trot." He dodged in and out of hedges and parking lots and turned onto Jefferson Boulevard. (By coincidence this thoroughfare passes near the apartment of Jack Ruby.) He shed his jacket while running. On hearing police sirens Oswald frantically tried to hide in a shoeshop doorway, then ducked into the Texas movie house. Betwen the time Tippit approached him and when he entered the theater 12 witnesses saw Oswald with a pistol in his hand. As police entered he jumped up and tried to shoot Officer M.N. McDonald, but failed, and was hustled away to police headquarters...
There is discrepancy in the timelines between the Warren Report and Craig regarding when Oswald was last seen at the TSBD and when the policeman, Tippit, was shot. Craig says Oswald was seen drinking a Coke in the lunch room of the TSBD at 12:35 whereas the Warren Report says Oswald left the building at 12:33.
Craig was on the 6th floor of the TSBD where he and a detective had just found a German Mauser rifle hidden behind some cardboard boxes (it was subsequently replaced with an Italian Mannlicher-Carcano) when the call came in reporting that policeman Tippit had been shot. Craig looked at his watch and noted the time was 1:06. But the Warren Report says Tippit was shot ten minutes later, at 1:16. Below is the pertinent page scanned and transribed:
between 12:33 and 1:50 PM, November 22, 1963
(all times are approximate)
1. 12:33 - TEXAS SCHOOL BOOK DEPOSITORY: leave front entrance
2. 12:40 - ON BUS: Elm & Murphy Streets
3. 12:44 - OFF BUS: between Poydras & Lamar Streets
4. 12:48 - IN CAB: Commerce & Lamar Streets
5. 12:54 - OUT OF CAB: Beckley Avenue & Neely Streets
6. 1:00 - ARRIVE ROOMING HOUSE: 1026 North Beckley Avenue
7. 1:16 - TIPPIT KILLING SITE: 10th Street & Patton Avenue
8. 1:40 - TEXAS THEATER ARRIVE: 231 West Jefferson Blvd
0.40 miles - TSBD to ON BUS
0.15 miles - ON BUS to OFF BUS
0.20 miles - OFF BUS to IN CAB
2.40 miles - IN CAB to OUT OF CAB
0.30 miles - OUT OF CAB to ROOMING HOUSE
0.40 miles - JACKET to TEXAS THEATER
There is discrepancy also regarding who shot Officer Tippit. The Warren Commission says Oswald shot Tippit but many witnesses to the shooting describe a man who didn't look like Oswald. And the bullets found by Tippit's body (from an automatic) don't match Oswald's gun (a revolver)*. This is explained thoroughly in the photographic book THE SEARCH FOR LEE HARVEY OSWALD by Robert Groden. An excerpt from the back cover reads: "An analysis of the shooting of Dallas police officer J. D. Tippit, shows how Oswald could not have been the murderer":
Within seconds of the shooting, Officer Marrion Baker ran into the book depository; he had noticed pigeons flying away from the roof of the building the moment of the gunshots. Baker encountered Roy Truly, who identified himself. The two men ran toward the upper floors. When they reached the second floor, Baker noticed Oswald calmly standing by the soda machine in the snackroom, stuck his service revolver in Oswald's abdomen, and asked Truly if Oswald belonged there. Truly said that Oswald indeed worked for him, and the two men continued up to the sixth floor. Truly later stated in his testimony that Oswald was told, then, that the president had been shot. Oswald did not rush away. He bought a bottle of soda, and, rather than running out the back stairway, which was just a few feet away, he calmly walked through the room with the telephne switchboard to the front of the building and down the front stairs to the first floor.
Five to ten minutes after the shooting, as Oswald was about to leave the building, he bumped into newsman Robert MacNeil. MacNeil had jumped out of one of the press cars and had run up the grassy knoll with a crowd that was chasing a suspected assassin. He had been photographed on the knoll where the stockade fence meets the overpass several minutes after the assassination. After observing the situation on the knoll, MacNeil had walked back up Elm Street to the entrance of the depository, where, upon entering, he asked Oswald if he knew where he could find a telephone. Oswald told MacNeil to check inside.
When Oswald got to the street, he spoke to his supervisor, Bill Shelley, who told him that work would be suspended for the rest of the day because the president had been shot. It is possible that, at this point, Oswald went back into the depository to pick up his package of curtain rods, then left for the day.
Deputy Sherrif Roger Craig, who was standing across Elm Street and to the southwest of the book depository, disagreed with the official story. For many years and until the time of his death, he maintained that Oswald didn't leave the building until fifteen minutes after the assassination and that he got into a green Rambler station wagon. The car picked him up on Elm Street and headed west through the triple railroad underpass.
No one really knows the exact moment of the shooting of J D Tippit. The Warren Commission concluded that it was just before 1:16 pm. It was critical for the commission to set the time for the shooting as late as posible, because if Tippit was shot before 1:16, it would have been impossible for Lee to have made it from his rooming house to the scene of the shooting quickly enough to have committed the murder...
Helen Louise Markahm, when questioned about the time at which she observed the Tippit murder, answered, "I wouldn't be afraid to bet it wasn't six or seven minutes after one."...Why was Markham at Tenth and Patton in the first place? She was walking to a bus stop to catch her usual bus to go to work. Markham should have been asked whether she was on time to catch the bus which was due at 1:12 pm. Since the Warren Commission believed and stated that she had waited for traffic, she had to have arrived at Tenth Street before 1:10...
Three years ago there was a story in the news describing an annual JFK BIKE TOUR in Dallas that traces Oswald's route (according to the Warren Commission) beginning at Dealey Plaza and ending at the Texas Theater. It would be interesting to learn how long it took the cyclists to do what Oswald supposedly did in one-hour-seven minutes on bus/taxi/foot -- with numerous stops in between, including backtracking to home, waiting for buses, shooting a cop and hiding in a shoe store. ~ Jackie Jura
Cyclists get a handle on Oswald's Oak Cliff route after JFK assassination
by Sherry Jacobson, Dallas Morning News, Feb 2, 2009
When Lee Harvey Oswald fled the Texas School Book Depository on that fateful day in 1963, he didn't realize that a group of local history buffs – on bicycles – would retrace his footsteps nearly 46 years later. More than 125 bikers of all ages converged Sunday afternoon on downtown's Dealey Plaza, where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963. Many of the riders had already visited the Sixth Floor Museum inside the old depository where Oswald once had a job filling book orders. The seven-mile ride was billed not only as a lesson in local history but also as a chance to encourage biking from downtown Dallas to the neighborhoods of north Oak Cliff, where Oswald once lived. The event is the first tour sponsored by the year-old Bike Friendly Oak Cliff group. "It's not that we're trying to glorify an assassin," explains Jason Roberts, one of the group's founders and the ride's tour guide. "But for so long, people have turned a blind eye to what happened that day and, especially, Oswald's role," he says. "We're just taking a walking tour of the assassination, only we're doing it on bicycles."
With no historical markers to guide them, the cyclists travel across the Houston Street Viaduct and head south on Zang Boulevard to Beckley Avenue, where Oswald fled to a house in which he rented a room. "He returns to his room and puts on a jacket," Roberts tells the bikers, who crowd the sidewalk and street in front of the house. "He comes back out and waits for a bus. It doesn't come, and he takes off walking." The bikers follow Oswald's path about a mile to 10th Street and Patton Avenue, where he is said to have encountered and shot Dallas patrolman J.D. Tippit with a .38-caliber handgun. Witnesses that day reported that the gunman ran toward Jefferson Boulevard. "When Tippit is shot, it immediately is connected to the shooting downtown, and an all-points bulletin goes out," says Roberts, who pieced together his narrative from reading the Warren Commission Report and other published sources and from talking to people who were in Dallas that day.
On a brief side trip to a second Oak Cliff rooming house, the bikers see where Oswald was photographed holding a rifle that later was discovered hidden inside the depository. Then the group rides to the Texas Theatre on Jefferson, where Oswald sought refuge at a matinee showing of War Is Hell. With their bikes stacked on the sidewalk outside, the bikers file inside the cool, darkened theater. "Oswald ducks into the theater without buying a ticket because the ticket-booth lady is distracted by all the police cars going by. He is sitting in the third row from the back, fifth seat over," Roberts says, pointing to a seat. "Luckily, the shoe store manager from down the street is following Oswald and tells the ticket lady, who calls the police. Fifteen police officers arrive at the theater," Roberts says, his voice rising as the enthralled group falls silent. "The lights in the theater are turned up, and the shoe-store guy points out Oswald. Four officers pounce. Oswald pulls out his pistol and fires it, but an officer's hand jams the hammer. A struggle ensues, and they bring Oswald out of the theater." It is a breathless moment in Dallas history, and the bikers exhale a collective sigh of relief....
Oswald co-worker no longer silent about JFK assassination role. Dallas Morning News, Nov 16, 2008
...Buell Frazier drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work that fateful Nov. 22....Mr. Frazier helped train Oswald at his new job (Oswald was hired at the book depository Oct. 16) and had driven him to Irving several times soon faded from most people's memories. But another factor remained noteworthy. Officials assumed that the package Oswald carried to work that morning was the Italian-made rifle he used to kill Kennedy. Mr. Frazier still doesn't believe it. When Oswald got in his car that morning, Mr. Frazier hardly noticed the bundle Oswald laid on the back seat. "He told me he was taking some curtain rods for his room," Mr. Frazier said. "I didn't think much about it." Mr. Frazier parked his car behind the depository building and revved his engine for a few moments, charging his low battery, and watched Oswald walk about 200 yards into the building with the package under his arm. In his testimony before the Warren Commission, Mr. Frazier said the brown paper package Oswald carried that morning was too short to contain a rifle. Oswald cupped the package in his hand, he said, and it fit under his armpit. In Washington, Mr. Frazier said, he was "pressured" to change his recollection. In the days afterward, he was badgered by the media, harassed by people who didn't understand his relationship to Oswald and even became fearful for his life...."I know what I saw," he said, "and I've never changed one bit."...
DEDICATED TO PRESIDENT KENNEDY (poem by Dallas Sheriff Deputy Roger Craig, witness at Dealey Plaza)
PHOTOS PROVE OSWALD INNOCENT (shown in LIFE magazine October 1964)
WAS OSWALD A POOR SHOT? (No one has ever duplicated Oswald's alleged shooting performance; not even world-class or Master-rated marksmen have done so. For that matter, no rifle test has ever actually simulated all of the factors under which Oswald would have fired)
WHEN THEY KILL A PRESIDENT (manuscript by Dallas Sheriff Deputy Roger Craig, witness at Dealey Plaza)
SHERIFF ROGER CRAIG SAW LOTS (Saw three hulls in Sniper's Nest — lined up an inch apart, all pointing in the same direction...Saw Oswald run from Book Depository and get in green Rambler Station wagon...Craig's death at age 39 in 1975 by "suicide" might seem suspicious...)
JFK EXECUTIVE ACTION FILM DEBUT (starring Burt Lancaster, hit movie theaters November 1973 on 10th anniversary JFK assassination)
watch JFK MOVIE EXECUTIVE ACTION (a MUST see - an excellent depiction of men and logistics behind JFK assassination including how they framed Lee Harvey Oswald, the innocent patsy)
The Magic Bullet Theory (synopsis of Warren Report September 27, 1964): fired from the far east-end window of the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository building, entered JFK's back; exited from his throat; entered Connally's back; exited his chest near the right nipple; went through his right wrist shattering the radius bone; entered his left leg embedding itself in his thigh bone*, then dropped out later, in pristine condition, on his stretcher in Parkland Hospital...
*...your toe bone connected to your foot bone, your foot bone connected to your ankle bone, your ankle bone connected to your leg bone, your leg bone connected to your thigh bone, your thigh bone connected to your hip bone, your hip bone connected to your back bone, your back bone connected to your shoulder bone, your shoulder bone connected to your neck bone, your neck bone connected to your head bone...
28.Reality Control and 17.Falsification of Past
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~