Note the position of James Altgens, the Associated Press photographer who took the photo showing
JFK reaching for his throat and Oswald standing in the TSBD doorway.
In answering a reader's question about the bullet that killed Robert Francis Kennedy, I showed photographic evidence that the shot had to have originated from behind RFK, and therefore couldn't possibly have been from Sirhan Sirhan, who was always in front of RFK. See RFK SHOT CAUGHT IN PHOTO.
That reminded me that for a long time I've been meaning to share the photographic proof that the bullets that killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy didn't come from Lee Harvey Oswald.
I came across the proof last Christmas [2005] when I received a gift of several old copies of LIFE magazine, one of which was the October 2, 1964 special Warren Commission Report edition:
In the above magazine, on page 50a, is a photo of JFK in the Lincoln Continental just a moment after he's passed the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) building:
Look carefully at the photo of the car. Through its windshield, in the very back, on the same side as the motorcycle, you can see Jackie's gloved hand holding JFK's left arm which is bent with his hand going toward his throat. You can see the cuff of his shirt and even the cuff-link. You can see Connally in the seat in front of him, in total profile, as he turns around to see what has happened. In the Zapruder film this is where we see JFK being hit in the throat by something (see it on the LIFE magazine cover) and seconds later we see the fatal shot, which lifts JFK up and throws him back, his brains flying out behind him, before he slumps into Jackie's lap.
In that same photo above, you can see a man standing in the far-left side of the doorway to the School Book Depository building. That man is Lee Harvey Oswald.
It goes without saying that it would be physically impossible for Lee Harvey Oswald to have fired ANY of the shots, let alone the fatal shot, if he is standing in the doorway while the assassination is occurring. The photo below, from that same page, is an enlargement of Oswald in the doorway:
The caption below it says:
"...Close examination of an enlargement of the area in front of the Depository (above) showed a man (arrows) who seemed to resemble Oswald. If it indeed was he, then it would not have been possible for Oswald to have fired from the window. But a check of Depository workers revealed the man was not Oswald but Billy Lovelady*, another employee."
But proof that the man in the Depository doorway is Oswald, and not Lovelady, is the photo below, taken from page 48 of the same magazine, showing Oswald in police custody. He's wearing identical clothes to the man standing in the doorway. I've put it next to the enlargement of Oswald in the doorway for direct comparison:
Notice how even his body language is the same, his arms folded in front of himself the same way, albeit while he's in the doorway he's not handcuffed, that's just how he's holding his arms. Notice especially though, the tight clenching of his mouth. It's identical in both pictures, the one of him at the doorway of the Depository, and the one of him in the custody of the Dallas police. In all photos of Oswald, as a child, young man and adult, that is how he holds his mouth. And, of course, you can see the same high forehead and hair style. And, of course, there's the clothes - the same dark long-sleeved shirt buttoned at the waist, open in a "V" to the neck, over a white T-shirt.
Within days of JFK's assassination, the photo of Oswald in the doorway was available for all the world to see.
*The Dallas Police, FBI and Warren Commission said the person in the doorway wasn't Oswald but was another employee of the Depository named Billy Lovelady. That defies not only people's own eyes when looking at the photos, but the evidence of these agencies themselves. For example, in an FBI report of an interview with Billy Lovelady, he told them he was at the Depository watching the motorcade and was wearing a short-sleeved red and white vertical-striped shirt and in the photos taken by the FBI, that's exactly what Lovelady is wearing:
In the photo above Lovelady is sitting in profile at the police station as Oswald is being escorted out of the room, his back to the camera. Notice Oswald's shirt is pulled down off his left shoulder with just his white T-shirt showing.
An employee of the Depository testified before the Warren Commission that he was Lovelady's superior and that he saw him sitting on the steps of the Depository as the motorcade went by, not standing in the doorway. Other Depository witnesses, as well, testified before the Warren Commission that Lovelady was sitting on the steps of the Depository, not standing in the doorway.
But, in spite of all this evidence, including, most of all, a photo of Oswald standing innocently in the doorway at the same instant that JFK is being shot, he was still found guilty of JFK's assassination. Oswald never had a trial because he was killed before he could testify in his own defence. But in the few chances he did have to speak to the press, he professed his innocence. ~ Jackie Jura
Just a few seconds after the first shot at President Kennedy was fired, James Altgens of the Associated Press snapped a photograph of the President on Elm Street with the Texas School Book Depository in the background. The photo shows a man who looks uncannily similar to Oswald standing in the doorway. The New York Herald Tribune on May 24, 1964, publicized the claim of researcher Jones Harris that the man indeed was Oswald.
The Herald Tribune was not some supermarket tabloid, but rather a widely respected newspaper. Further, the "Oswald figure" had been noticed and investigated even before the article appeared, so the Warren Commission devoted considerable attention to the claim....
The Commission concluded that the man was Lovelady, not Oswald. This should have settled the issue forever, but alas in this case issues are rarely ever "settled." The issue was revived, not due to some research done by conspiracists, but rather because of an FBI [so-called] mistake.
In a report to the Warren Commission on the man in the doorway, the FBI stated:
On February 29, 1964, Billy Nolan Lovelady was photographed by Special Agents of the FBI at Dallas, Texas. On this occasion, Lovelady advised that on the day of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, November 22, 1963, at the time of the assassination, and shortly before, he was standing in the doorway of the front entrance to the TSBD where he is employed. He stated he was wearing a red and white vertical striped shirt and blue-jeans.
The FBI photos show Lovelady in a red and white vertical striped, short sleeved shirt, but the man in the doorway is clearly wearing a long-sleeved, checkered shirt. The Commission never checked the two photographs but simply believed Lovelady when he told the FBI he was in the doorway. This FBI report, along with the photographs of Lovelady, only fed the controversy....
Gary Shaw, in his 1976 book, Cover-Up, claimed that the question of who was in the doorway had not been adequately answered. He wrote, "we believe the identity of the man in the doorway is still open to question. There is as much, if not more, evidence to indicate that the accused assassin was exactly where he said he was — on the first floor of the Depository". Shaw also claimed that no one on the Commission ever saw Lovelady and there is no published photo of Lovelady in the Commission's exhibits or documents...
Professor James Fetzer's edited book Murder in Dealey Plaza claims the following: A man many people think strongly resembles Lee Harvey Oswald is pictured standing in the front entrance of the Book Depository Building. If it is, in fact, Oswald, he could not have been on the sixth floor of the building when the shots were fired. The Warren Commission will discount any possibility that the figure is Oswald, and instead identifies the man as Billy Nolan Lovelady, another building employee. The man in the photo is wearing a dark, heavy-textured shirt open halfway to the waist over a white undershirt. Lovelady later tells reporters that he was wearing a red-and-white-striped sport shirt that day. The identity of the man in the photo has never been clearly established....
The site, the "Best of Kennedy Assassination Links," claims that Shelly [employee watching motorcade from front door of depository] testified that Lovelady was sitting on the steps....The source for Shelley's statement is Commission Exhibit 1381 page 84. Shelley signed the affidavit which states, "At the time President John F. Kennedy was shot I was standing at this same place [in front of the depository]. Billy N. Lovelady who works under my supervision on the Texas School Book Depository was seated on the entrance steps just in front of me." It may well be that Shelley did not intend for it to sound as though Lovelady was sitting on the steps as the motorcade passed, but either way, his affidavit is reconciled by the testimony of other witnesses and the photograph.[end of quoting from Was Oswald in the Doorway of the Depository at the time of the JFK Assassination?]
LAST WORDS OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD (...When asked, "Did you kill the President?" Oswald replied, "No. I have not been charged with that. In fact, nobody has said that to me yet. The first thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question...I did not do it. I did not do it...I did not shoot anyone...")
MEDIA IN JFK ASSASSINATION (...Lee Harvey Oswald's name was released in New Zealand as being the suspect in the assassination of JFK even BEFORE he was arrested in North America. Whoever was in charge of press-releases didn't account for the time-zone changes. They must have had the paperwork and the story lined up and ready for release the following day, the 23rd. This time-zone oversight and resultant foul-up was pointed out by Col Fletcher Prouty, an officer in the USA mililtary, in his book THE GUNS OF DALLAS: "...I happened to be far away in New Zealand at the time of JFK's murder. I was on my way to breakfast (the crime occurred at 6:30AM on the 23rd of November there) with a member of Congress from Ohio. As soon as possible, we purchased the first newspaper available -- the Christchurch Star. It is amazing to re-read the front page of that paper today and find all of the detail, the remarkable detail, about Lee Harvey Oswald, about his service in the Marine Corps, about his living in Russia, about his Russian wife, and then the full scenario of the crime. Then one begins to wonder who it was that was able in so short a time to come up with such a life history of so obscure a twenty-four-year-old "loner." Even the Dallas police had not charged him with any crime by the time that paper had hit the streets...)
WAS OSWALD A POOR SHOT? ("If I had to pick one man in the whole United States to shoot me, I'd pick Oswald. I saw the man shoot. There's no way he could have ever learned to shoot well enough to do what they accused him of doing in Dallas"....No one has ever duplicated Oswald's alleged shooting performance; not even world-class or Master-rated marksmen have done so. For that matter, no rifle test has ever actually simulated all of the factors under which Oswald would have fired)
Oswald co-worker no longer silent about JFK assassination role. Dallas Morning News, Nov 16, 2008
...Buell Frazier drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work that fateful Nov. 22....Mr. Frazier helped train Oswald at his new job (Oswald was hired at the book depository Oct. 16) and had driven him to Irving several times soon faded from most people's memories. But another factor remained noteworthy. Officials assumed that the package Oswald carried to work that morning was the Italian-made rifle he used to kill Kennedy. Mr. Frazier still doesn't believe it. When Oswald got in his car that morning, Mr. Frazier hardly noticed the bundle Oswald laid on the back seat. "He told me he was taking some curtain rods for his room," Mr. Frazier said. "I didn't think much about it." Mr. Frazier parked his car behind the depository building and revved his engine for a few moments, charging his low battery, and watched Oswald walk about 200 yards into the building with the package under his arm. In his testimony before the Warren Commission, Mr. Frazier said the brown paper package Oswald carried that morning was too short to contain a rifle. Oswald cupped the package in his hand, he said, and it fit under his armpit. In Washington, Mr. Frazier said, he was "pressured" to change his recollection. In the days afterward, he was badgered by the media, harassed by people who didn't understand his relationship to Oswald and even became fearful for his life...."I know what I saw," he said, "and I've never changed one bit."...
Old theory, new doubt. Pittsburgh Tribune, Aug 25, 2006
Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory studying the assassination of President John F. Kennedy have done what many thought impossible -- their research suggests that the single-bullet theory is even less credible than it seems. And by extension, it further casts doubt on the credibility of Arlen Specter, the U.S. senator who, in another career, invented the magic bullet scenario -- a tumbling, direction-changing projectile that long has defied the laws of physics and common sense. The Pennsylvania Republican, who at the time was an assistant district attorney in Philadelphia, was an assistant counsel for the Warren Commission, charged by President Lyndon Johnson with investigating the crime. Pat Grant, director of Livermore's Forensic Science Center, and metallurgist Erik Randich say that key evidence such as the crime scene bullet fragments might have been misinterpreted. They contend the so-called chemical fingerprints that supposedly identified which bullets the fragments came from are anything but conclusive. Those "chemical fingerprints" are not the equivalent to the one-of-a-kind human fingerprints; they're more like generic tire tracks. And because of that, the scientists say there could have been one to five bullets instead of the three supposedly fired by alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. Mr. Specter's lone-gunman theory is that much closer to being disproved. Librarians always should be prepared to move "Passion for Truth," Specter's ironically titled book about finding JFK's single bullet, to where many believe it always should have been: The fiction section.
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~