To Georgie-Girl,
re: Winston Smith is on his way
Hey, Jackie!
Any sign of "cousin Eric" or "uncle George", yet, or is the post actually THAT slow?
Greetings Mad Mutt,
Mail from the States (especially from old Confederacy land) takes varying degrees of time to get to north of Union territory way up here in Eskimo land. I checked for cousin George on Saturday (it now being Monday morning) and assume he is just tarrying along, maybe stopped to roll a Black Shag fag (cigarette) or watch some birds (Canada Geese perhaps).
I'll keep you posted,
Jackie Jura
Dear Alexander,
Winston has finally arrived and sends his regards - see photo above.
He's joined his older and younger siblings on the Orwell shelf of my bookcase. He'll rest there until needed for reference, at which time I'll be reminded of you and your generosity. Thank you very much for sending your cherished book.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~