To Orwell Today,
Hi Jackie,
Don't know if you remember me, but we exchanged some emails a few years back. We certainly seem to be on the same page politically. Since that time, I've finally become published; my sci-fi/fantasy novel "The Unreals" was published in 2007. It's done very well, considering the small publisher, and I'm sure you'd like it. It's been described as a cross between "The Twilight Zone" and "The Wizard of Oz." I prefer to call it a conspiratorial fairy tale. It's full of conspiracy stuff and political ranting, as well as obscure historical references. Needless to say, "1984" was a huge influence on my writing.
I just thought I'd let you know about it, in case you're interested. Here's my book's page on Amazon: THE UNREALS. If you wanted to mention it on your site, or link to it, I'd really appreciate the support.
Don Jeffries
Greetings Don,
Congrats on the publication of your book THE UNREALS and thanks for sending the link. I'll order a copy and look forward to reading your "conspiratorial fairytale".
All the best,
Jackie Jura
PS - I think I recall our previous email exchanges had to do with Huey Long, Joe McCarthy, Charles Lindbergh - and even touched on John Lennon and Paul McCartney - for starters. See HUEY LONG & JOE MCCARTHY HEROES and PRESIDENT LINDBERGH GOES MISSING
To Orwell Today,
Hi Jackie,
Thanks so much - I really appreciate it. Btw, you may also be interested in my blog, where I (not regularly enough, I'm afraid) post my various rantings: I Can't Believe It's A Blog. I hope you enjoy "The Unreals."
Thanks again!
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~