

To Orwell Today,

November 21, 2013

Hello again Jackie Jura, I am glad you are still here. Do you remember me?

"I was born (two months prematurely) on November 6th, 1963. I was two weeks old when the light of the universe was snuffed out."

I was listening to one of President Kennedy's speeches earlier this evening, as it seemed an extremely proper thing to do at this exact time.

It was the speech from June 11th 1963, concerning civil rights.

I suddenly became very emotional, once more, but this time it was absolutely NOT from grief. Precisely the opposite.

I realized that the light of the Universe had NOT been snuffed out!!

It's HERE (points to heart).

Light cannot be destroyed!

I had been unable to see it before. As if I had been colourblind and could suddenly see the beauty of a red rose or a sunrise.


He lives in all who honour him, in all who cherish even the smallest remembrance.

The Light of the Universe cannot be destroyed!


Greetings Julian,

Yes, I remember you -- glad you're still here too!

I see, from the archives, that it was seven years ago that we had our first email exchange. It was the 43rd anniversary of when, as you say, "the light of the universe was snuffed out".

Now here we are at the 50th anniversary which is a very important one as it could be the last anniversary the mainstream media build up. From now on, in the years to come, there will probably be less talk about JFK -- he'll be lost to the next generation when those who were alive during his lifetime are gone (including those who were miraculously born premature!!)

But I agree with your sentiment that JFK is still here with us now -- and can be forever -- through his light -- not just the symbolic eternal flame on his grave -- but through the light that shines in our universal memory. That light, like the light of Lincoln -- and Washington -- will live as long as people read and learn and study history.

All the best,
Jackie Jura

LINCOLN & JFK AT GETTYSBURG (...In his Inaugural Address JFK had said, in language as stirring as Lincoln's, that freedom around the world was in maximum danger and that our generation would be called upon to defend it. I didn't really understand what he meant -- the world felt safe when JFK was alive. But now, in these 50 years since JFK's death, I understand the danger. But the flame on JFK's grave is still flickering and the glow from that fire is truly lighting the world.)

watch President Kennedy's Televised Address to the Nation on Civil Rights, 11 June, 1963, John F Kennedy Library & Museum (In his speech the President responds to the threats of violence and obstruction on the University of Alabama campus following desegregation attempts, explaining that the United States was founded on the principle that all men are created equal and thus, all American students are entitled to attend public educational institutions, regardless of race. He also discusses how discrimination affects education, public safety, and international relations, noting that the country cannot preach freedom internationally while ignoring it domestically. The President asks Congress to enact legislation protecting all Americans' voting rights, legal standing, educational opportunities, and access to public facilities, but recognizes that legislation alone cannot solve the country's problems concerning race relations...)

Julian was born two weeks before JFK's assassination


Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com