"...There was an entrance wound in the neck...
The bullet would be coming at him....
The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat...."
Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Texas
November 22, 1963, 2:16 PM
WAYNE HAWKS (WHITE HOUSE AIDE) -- "Let me have your attention, please. You wanted to talk to some of the attending physicians. I have two of them here, Dr. Malcolm Perry, an attending surgeon here at Parkland Memorial Hospital. He will talk to you first, and then Dr. Kemp Clark, the chief neurosurgeon here at the hospital. He will tell you what he knows about it. Dr. Perry".
...DR. MALCOLM O. PERRY -- "I was summoned to the emergency room shortly after the President was brought in, on an emergency basis, immediately after the President's arrival. Upon reaching his side, I noted that he was in critical condition from a wound of the neck and of the head.
QUESTION -- "Could that be done by one shot?"
DR. PERRY -- "I cannot conjecture. I don't know".
QUESTION -- "A wound of the neck and of the---"
DR. PERRY -- "---of the head. Immediate resuscitative measures were undertaken, and Dr. Kemp Clark, Professor of Neurosurgery, was summoned, along with several other members of the surgical and medical staff. They arrived immediately, but at this point the President's condition did not allow complete resuscitation."
QUESTION -- "What do you mean by "complete resuscitation"?
DR. PERRY -- "He was critically ill and moribund at the time these measures were begun."
QUESTION -- "What does moribund mean?"
DR. PERRY -- "Near death."
DR. PERRY -- "Dr. Clark arrived thereafter, immediately."
QUESTION -- "Could you tell us what resuscitative measures were attempted?"
DR. PERRY -- "Assisted respiration with oxygen and an anesthesia machine, passage of an endotracheal tube".
QUESTION -- "Does that mean you stick it in?"
DR. PERRY -- "Yes, place it in the trachea.... A tracheostomy. Blood and fluids were also given, and an electrocardiograph monitor was attached to record any heart beat that might be present. At this point, Dr. Clark was also in attendance."
DR. WILLIAM KEMP CLARK -- "I was called by Dr. Perry because the President had sustained a brain wound. On my arrival, the resuscitative efforts, the tracheostomy, the administration of chest tubes to relieve any possibility of air being in the pleural space, the electrocardiogram had been hooked up, blood and fluids were being administered by Dr. Perry and Dr. Baxter. It was apparent that the President had sustained a lethal wound.
A missile had gone in or out of the back of his head, causing extensive lacerations and loss of brain tissue. Shortly after I arrived, the patient, the President, lost his heart action by the electrocardiogram, his heart action had stopped. We attempted resuscitative measures of his heart, including closed chest cardiac massage, but to no avail."
QUESTION -- "Does that mean external, Doctor, closed?"
DR. CLARK -- "Yes. We were able to obtain palpable pulses by this method, but, again, to no avail."...
QUESTION -- "Doctor, can you describe the course of the wound through the head"?
DR. CLARK -- "Principally on his right side, towards the right side"...
QUESTION -- "Can you describe his neck wound?"...
DR. PERRY -- "The neck wound, as visible on the patient, revealed a bullet hole almost in the mid line".
QUESTION -- "Would you demonstrate?"
DR. PERRY -- "In the lower portion of the neck, in front".
QUESTION -- "Can you demonstrate, Doctor, on your own neck?"
DR. PERRY -- "Approximately here (indicating)..."Below the Adam's apple".
QUESTION -- "Doctor, is it the assumption that it went through the head?"
DR. PERRY -- "That would be a conjecture on my part. There are two wounds, as Dr. Clark noted, one of the neck and one of the head. Whether they are directly related or related to two bullets, I cannot say."
QUESTION -- "Where was the entrance wound?"
DR. PERRY -- "There was an entrance wound in the neck. As regards the one on the head, I cannot say."
QUESTION -- "Which way was the bullet coming on the neck wound? At him?"
DR. PERRY -- "It appeared to be coming at him"....
DR. CLARK -- "The head wound could have been either the exit wound from the neck or it could have been a tangential wound, as it was simply a large, gaping loss of tissue."
QUESTION -- "That was the immediate cause of death -- the head wound?"
DR. CLARK -- "I assume so, yes"...
QUESTION -- "Doctor, describe the entrance wound. You think from the front in the throat"?
DR. PERRY -- "The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don't know. It could have been the head or there could have been a second wound of the head. There was not time to determine this at the particular instant."
QUESTION -- "Would the bullet have to travel up from the neck wound to exit through the back?"
DR. PERRY -- "Unless it was deviated from its course by striking bone or some other object"...
QUESTION -- "Who was the first doctor who saw him, and how long before he got there"?...
DR. PERRY -- "I arrived there shortly after his admission. I can't tell you the exact time because I went immediately and he had just been admitted and I walked in the room. I don't know the exact time. I was in quite a hurry"...
watch Dr Malcolm Perry TV Interview, YouTube (...the only television interview of Dr. Malcolm Perry that still exists: a very rare clip from a "Texas News" newsreel from 11/23/63, the day after the assassination. Amazing!...)
watch JFK assassination interview with Doctor Malcom Perry, YouTube (...I appplied my energies to the problem at hand and didn't really concern with how it happened or why... I did what was expedient and was necessary... My immediate concern was to attempt resussitation)
watch Assistant Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff announces the death of President Kennedy, YouTube ("President John F Kennedy died at approximately one o'clock central standard time today in Dallas. He died of a gunshot wound in the brain. The doctor...told me it's a simple matter of a bullet in the head." [points to right front temple]...
watch Lies and deception are the tools of Mainstream Media, YouTube (The example given is a clip from the BBC/ABC program JFK: Beyond Conspiracy. The program shows the press conference where Malcolm Kilduff announces that JFK has died of a bullet wound in the brain, but fades out before Kilduff points to the front of his head indicating where the bullet entered. Why does the Mainstream Media deceive the world by omission?
Doctor Perry Regrets Fateful Words on a Sad Day in Dallas
by Jimmy Breslin, Newsday, November 18, 2003
...The shrieks of Parkland Memorial Hospital have run through all the hallways and rooms and arenas of all the years, softening now, diminishing, but burrowing into the wind and reaching the unwilling consciousness of Dr. Malcolm Perry. He was working on John F. Kennedy's heart when he died in Parkland Hospital on the fall day in 1963. "It was a bad weekend", he remembers. Kennedy was on Friday. On Sunday, he operated on Lee Harvey Oswald. "A bad weekend and a bad aftermath".
The trouble at the end came when he walked into a large, writhing news conference, something in which he never had been involved. And for good reason, this was the only one like it since Lincoln. He observed that a throat hole looked like an entrance wound. He had qualified the observation in the next sentence but virtually nobody paid attention. They took that throat wound and carried it over the years into proof of a conspiracy. Somebody shot Kennedy from the front, in the throat. Somebody else shot him in the back of the head. So many wanted to believe the worst. Malcolm Perry then slipped away from questioning and walked into his own world of surgery and silence. He never spoke to news reporters. He mentioned his experience to practically nobody. He wanted to be known as a fine doctor....
Other doctors and nurses were in the room now, but Perry saw only the throat with the hole in it, and the chest, shining under the huge light. As he finished the tracheotomy, Perry saw Dr. Kemp Clark, chief of neurosurgery, coming through the door. Clark looked at Kennedy. He looked at Malcolm Perry. His look told Perry something he already knew. There was no way to save the patient. Perry started to massage the chest. He has long fingers, and he used them to try to force the body to a heartbeat. The aluminum cart was too high. Perry was up on his toes for leverage. "Will somebody please get me a stool?" he said. One was placed under him. For 10 minutes, he massaged the chest. Over in a corner of the room, Dr. Kemp Clark kept watching the electrocardiogram. There was no action. He turned from the electrocardiogram. "It's too late, Mac", he said to Malcolm Perry. The IBM clock on the wall said it was 1 p.m. of Nov. 22, 1963.
Afterward, the sound that follows him began with the caterwauling and clatter of a mob in a conference room. He said that he thought that the small hole in Kennedy's throat looked like an entrance wound. Right after his entrance-wound statement, Perry said, "Neither Dr. Clark nor I know how many bullets there were or where they came from". Right away, so many took the entrance wound at the throat to mean the shot had come from the front, not the rear, which was the Texas School Book Depository building where Lee Harvey Oswald fired out of a sixth-floor window. "I shouldn't have said anything", Malcolm Perry remembers today. "I was naive. I didn't know how much trouble I could get into. I shouldn't have surmised. If I hadn't said that, there wouldn't have been a conspiracy theory"...
Perry testified for a day at the Warren Commission. He wonders if any reporters read the report. For the cry of conspiracy was raised by the jackals. And now all these years later, Malcolm Perry raises trees and once a week flies his Beechcraft plane to Dallas, where he is professor emeritus at University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. To start the week when all news organizations try to make hard fresh news out of a story that is so old, Malcolm Perry, doctor at the end of the lives of Jack Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, will take no calls from anybody in news. He was good with the Nebraska-Kansas State game, and wind coming through his trees.
The Killing of a President, by Robert Groden (...Dr Malcolm Perry described the original throat wound as "a very small injury (3 to 5 mm), with clear cut, although somewhat irregular margins of less than a quarter inch, with minimal tissue damage surrounding it on the skin". He was adamant that it was an entry wound. When interviwed in 1979, he still maintained that the bullet had entered the President's throat from the front, but has since refused to go on record with this information.... The President's throat wound has long been a subject of controversy. Was it an entrance or exit wound? Few medical personnel viewed the wound in its original state before it was obliterated by a tracheotomy procedure. Parkland doctors Charles Carrico and Malcolm Perry, the first to examine the President, noted that the President had "a small bullet wound in the front lower neck". Perry perceived the throat wound to be one of entrance, as did Parkland nurse Margaret Henchcliffe. Carrico had hooked the President to a respirator, after which Dr Perry performed a tracheotomy to open an airway to the lungs. When asked later by Warren Commission Assistant Counsel Arlen Specter if the wound could have been considered one of exit, Henchcliffe testified: "I have never seen an exit bullet hole that looked like that."
Dallas doctor Malcolm Perry, who worked on JFK and Oswald, dies at 80, by Scott Farwell, Dallas Morning News, Dec 8, 2009
Drs. Malcolm O. Perry and Robert McClelland began their friendship in July 1958 at Parkland Memorial Hospital, where they slept on bunk beds and spent hours with their hands in patients - one clamping off arteries while the other stitched up holes. It was a time of exhaustion and adrenaline. And it was a time of history. Drs. Perry and McClelland were two of the four doctors who struggled to save a mortally wounded President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963. Saturday in Tyler, Dr. Perry died at age 80 after a two-year battle with lung cancer.... Dr. McClelland said his friend, a surgeon and professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center, rarely spoke of the assassination, except in his official government testimony. Even so, Dr. Perry's early account of the president's injuries gave rise to conspiracy theories that persist today - that the small wound near Kennedy's Adam's apple could have been an entrance wound, suggesting a shot from the grassy knoll instead of the sniper's nest on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.... "Malcolm never wanted to talk about it," said Dr. McClelland, who helped Dr. Perry insert a breathing tube in the president's trachea that November afternoon. "I think he had a bad experience with the press right after, and I think that may have colored his lack of willingness to talk"...
Doctor Perry Regrets Fateful Words on a Sad Day in Dallas, by Jimmy Breslin, Newsday, Nov 18, 2003
Parkland Hospital Press Conference (A little over an hour after declaring John Kennedy dead of gunshot wounds he received in Dealey Plaza, doctors Malcolm Perry and Kemp Clark faced fact-hungry reporters in a news conference at Parkland Hospital and tried as best they could to inform the journalists of the circumstances of Kennedy's death.... Dr Perry described the wound in the throat as an "entrance" wound, although he later backed off a bit and said it "appeared to be an entrance wound"....)
Transcript of 11/22/63 Press Conference with Parkland Doctors Malcolm Perry and Kemp Clark, DVP's JFK Archives
Nov 17, 2015
Doc McClelland recalls effort to save JFK 52 yrs ago
(call of duty: feels compelled to share story)
JFK's last doctor to speak at Dallas library
WFAA/LocalMedia, Nov 17, 2015
(bullet hit front head from picket fence on grassy knoll)
& 4.Old World Destruction
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~